Monday 30 March 2009


Hello hello! I'd love to say this weekend was pretty eventful, but on reflection it probably wasn't as eventful as I made it out to be in conversations with folk. Basically, art trip to Edinburgh on Friday morning! Got up insanely early and got myself all ready, arrived in time-first time for everything- and then lingered with the group for a while before hopping on the train. Good laugh on the train but my high spirit did not last long as we jumped off the train and were off to the first art gallery of the trip. Loads of cool stuff but I was more interested in the gossip floating about. But yeah galleries...brilliant...oh and then the youth hostel at night which was actually a good laugh and we got time to just laze about before heading to pizza hut and the cinema- handy hint, don't go see 'The Damned United'. But yeah! good trip in general, lovely chat and some good folk!

On a slightly different note, although still relevant to travelling- I'd love to visit Canada! It always seems like everyone who moves away abroad either goes to Australia or Canada, why is this? I'm a fan of the Canadian accents too, but that's hardly saying anything because I'm a fan of all accents to be honest... Canada in Summer? Here's hoping!

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